Greetings Community IX/FL-IX Members,


I hope all of our members are doing well and that everyone has had a positive experience with the services we provide to your organization. FL-IX has grown considerably since we turned up our first port in January 2015 to over 100 members and 350Gbps in traffic.  FL-IX offers one of the best IX values available, with one of the lowest port rates in the world.


In March of this year, we sent a Network Services Agreement to the administrative contact we had on file for your company if you did not have a signed agreement on file with us. The majority of our membership base has signed these agreements, but a large number of unsigned agreements remain.


We cannot invoice our membership without a signed agreement. In addition, we will not be able to continue providing services without this signed agreement on file.


Please take whatever steps are necessary to make sure we have a signed agreement on file from your company. The current envelopes that were sent out in March via DocuSign are about to expire.  If you are unable to locate the envelope, please let me know, and we’ll re-send the agreement.




Randy Epstein

Board Member

Community IX / FL-IX


Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +1 561-756-4475